Born in 1929 the man we know as “MLK” was named after his father; Michael King.
When “Daddy King” traveled to Europe for a ministry trip he studied the life of Martin Luther the German priest who fought against corruption and abuse of power within the catholic church in 1507. Michael King Sr. was so inspired by Martin Luther of old he changed his name as well as his 5-year-old son’s name as soon as he returned home.

In 1955 the public bus system was segregated, white in the front, blacks in the back. Four separate black women had been arrested for not yielding their seat to a white person on the public bus system, including Rosa Parks. The black community of Montgomery Alabama knew the laws needed to change regarding segregation and civil rights for black Americans. The leaders of the civil rights movement in Montgomery organized the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against segregation with a bus boycott. They recruited the young pastor Martin Luther King Jr. to spread the word and inspire unity in the community for this cause. At great personal cost the black citizens of Montgomery Alabama walked to work, school, and shopping for 381 days.

Here, MLK wears a cloth bracelet in remembrance of Mahatma Gandhi from whom he drew much inspiration in his non-violent approach to fighting for civil rights.
When the King family's home was bombed and Martin had been stabbed in the chest, King’s resolve for nonviolence was being tested. He and his wife Coretta took a trip to India as a pilgrimage to learn about the non-violent ways of Gandhi. While there, King slept on the floor of Gandhi’s home to feel close to the then deceased man of unwavering peace.

Martin Luther king was a trekkie, or Star Trek fan. It was the only show he and Coretta let their children stay up to watch. He admired the show for many reasons but especially because of its casting of Nichelle Nichols, a black actress who played the role of Lieutenant Uhura. Her character was a powerful and intelligent leader and she was one of only a few black female leads on TV. Martin Luther King Jr. appreciated that the show portrayed an equal future where people of all raced and backgrounds could co-exist without prejudice.

Coco is a nickname for Martin’s beautiful wife Coretta Scott King.
Martin Luther King Jr. traveled a lot for his work leading marches and delivering sermons across the country. When he left town he liked to leave Coretta with fresh red carnations as a reminder of his love while he is gone. On his last trip before his death he left her with faux red carnations. When she questioned why he would get her fake flowers instead of the usual fresh carnations, he said he wanted to give her a reminder that would never die.

Martin was a preacher at the same Ebenezer Baptist church where his father was Pastor. Mama King, Alberta was also very involved in the ministry. She was shot and killed while playing “The Lord’s Prayer” at the organ in the church. His entire family fought fiercely to progress civil rights in the United States.
The three circles at the top of the stained glass window represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three shapes below represent Dr. King Sr., Dr. King Jr., and 'Mama King'.

“When the lion and the lamb lay down together”

During his work as a civil rights leader, King was arrested 29 times. His charges ranged from civil disobedience to traffic violations. “7089” was the number in his first mug shot.

In 1956 the supreme court ruled that any law requiring racially segregated seating on buses violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states; guarantees all citizens—regardless of race—equal rights and equal protection under state and federal laws.
The 14th Amendment which was adopted at the end of the civil war (1868) legally freed slaves. But equal rights for the black community was still being fought for 88 years later.
Baker-Miller pink is a light shade of pink that was scientifically proven to promote feelings of peace and tranquility. In the 1970s institutions such as prisons, psych wards and drunk tanks painted their walls this shade of pink in efforts to reduce violent outbursts.

King was the youngest person to received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 when he was 35. That record has since been broken by Malala Yousafazai who won the prize in 2014 at age 17.

King Jr. skipped 9th and 11th grades and entered college at 15. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in sociology at age 19 then a bachelors of divinity. King received his Ph. D. from Boston University, in systematic theology.

Martin’s leadership in the civil rights movement made he and his family targets for violence. He survived an attempted murder from a mentally unstable woman at a book signing. She approached Dr. King and stabbed him in the chest with a 7-inch-long letter opener.
His watch is set to show 1:15. MLK is one of three people to be honored with a national holiday. On January 15th the nation celebrates MLK Jr.'s birthday.