This crown was made in 1820 for King George IV, and immediately was deemed “too feminine.” The crown bears the design of roses, thistles and shamrocks, the floral symbols of England, Scotland and Ireland respectively. It is made with more than 1,000 diamonds and 170 pearls.

In the late 1980’s, bamboo “door knocker” earrings were a huge trend worn by city girls repping hip hop fashion. This trend was brought to life by women of color. Bamboo is a symbol of strength, flexibility, and health. Its strength teaches us to stand upright, and its flexibility teaches us to adapt to the harshest circumstances.

Contrary to popular belief, the royal family is not Catholic. The royals are in fact the head of the Church of England, which is a Protestant Anglican church, and they've been members of this religion since the 16th century.

Lizzie is dressed in the colors of The Union Flag, or Union Jack. The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is so called because it combines the crosses of the three countries united under one Sovereign - the kingdoms of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Lizzie's rings:
Diamond Ring: The “Crown Jewels” is a collection of not just crowns and jewelry but state swords, trumpets, ceremonial maces, historical regalia and even christening fonts. The Royal Collection passes from one sovereign to the next. Officially, the Crown Jewels are priceless. Part of the difficulty in putting a price on these jewels are their cultural significance and historical value. However, estimates put the entire collection at $4 billion.
Monogram ring: The royal family's last name was disputed when Queen Elizabeth II became the reigning monarch. Prince Philip insisted she take on his surname (Mountbatten), but British officials and the monarchy wanted to continue using Windsor. Eventually, Elizabeth and Philip compromised on Mountbatten-Windsor in 1960.
Gold Chain ring: This chain ring represents the links of the royal family bloodline. The succession has been handed down from Queen Victoria
--> King Edward the 7th --> King George the 5th --> King George the 6th then to Queen Elizabeth. Queen Victoria is Queen Elizabeth’s great great grandmother.

"Lizzie" depicts British monarch Queen Elizabeth II as a "chav." Within contemporary British pop culture a "chav" is defined as 'a young person with course or brash behavior' typically from a lower-income background. Stereotypically, chavs wear caked on makeup, knockoffs of luxury brands, and brightly colored tracksuits. "Lizzie" is Queen Elizabeth II in an alternate universe where she never ascended to the throne.

Queen Elizabeth has worn the same color of nail polish since 1989. Her Majesty favors a classic shade of pale pink called "Ballet Slippers" by Essie.