When GW became Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in 1775 the troops didn’t have a unifying uniform. Washington declared that blue jackets, white breeches and tricorn hats were the new American uniform. Morale turned around thanks to Washington’s branding efforts.
A marked trait of Washington's character was his particularity about his clothes. Born to a wealthy family in Virginia, Washington was aware from a young age of the importance of fine clothes in high society.
Single color Adidas track suits gained popularity in the 80s due to a new cultural focus on fitness. Break dancers were a large part of the Hip Hop scene. These breathable, eye-catching athletic suits became popular with street dancers and eventually became a Hip Hop fashion staple.
"Dookie chains” became a symbol of status and wealth in the early hip hop community. Emcee’s chains became thicker, longer and layered; seemingly representing their success. This trend transitioned into the addition of large pendants.
Being fly ain't cheap.
Contrary to popular belief, George Washington did not wear a powdered wig; his hair, styled to look like a wig, was all his! The barber was a constant need, and Washington's ledger shows expenditures for perfumed hair-powder and pomade.
Washington knew his time as the first President was setting a standard for following leaders. He wanted to limit the ability for the position of power to be abused. He decided to step down from Presidency after two terms, creating the standard of a two-term limit.
Washington ruined his teeth using them to crack walnut shells. His dentures were made from human and cow teeth, ivory, and lead. None of his teeth were wood. A little spring inside the dentures helped them open and close. The fake teeth caused him great discomfort and were one of the reasons he rarely smiled.
Washington was fearful of being buried alive, as others in history had been. He ordered that his body not be buried until three days after his death. His wishes were honored.
George Washington was the only president to be unanimously elected.
Washington is believed responsible for creating the mule stock that powered early American agriculture. Washington created mules by breeding a horse with a donkey. Mules are reputed to be patient and strong like the donkey and intelligent and agreeable like the horse.
So you could say that George was an ass man.
George's formal education ended at 11 years old when his father died, he was then forced to quit school and work the farm.