Details Within the Portrait 'Bob Marley'

Details Within the Portrait 'Bob Marley'

Each of my portrait paintings contain symbols that represent important stories from their life. Let's talk about the hidden symbols and stories in the portrait Bob Marley.

Bob Marley was born in St. Ann, Jamaica on his grandparents', the Malcom's, farm called "9 Mile". There they grew corn, bananas, and potatoes. In the portrait you can see he is sitting upon a stone displaying the family farm name.

This stone path behind Marley leads to his birthplace. Thousands of visitors have made pilgrimage to the Malcom family farm passing along this path.

Around 18-years-old, Bob became a Rastafarian. Rastafari is a religion, lifestyle and political movement combining Protestant Christianity, mysticism, and a Pan-Africanism. Located on the edge of his sleeve, 'Rastafari' is embroidered, symbolizing his religion.

Bob Marley can be easily recognized by his hair. Dreadlocks refers to matted locks of hair. Dreadlocks worn by Rastafari are inspired by scripture and tradition within the faith. 
For years, Bob Marley wore this ring bearing The Lion of Judah. It represents Emperor Haile Selassie as well as being a symbol of strength, kingship, pride, and African sovereignty. This ring can be seen on Bob in the portrait.

Before Bob became a worldwide icon he visited his father’s family, he hadn’t met the white Marleys because of his fathers death early in his childhood. He was eager to meet his uncle, aunts, and cousins. His uncle denied Bob was their kin and turned him away, breaking Bob’s heart. The stone on the path shaped as a cornerstone represents the song Bob wrote after this rejection; “The stone that the builder refuse, will always be the head cornerstone”
Marley agreed to headline a concert in Jamaica during a dangerous time of political violence. His message of peace and love were meant to promote national unity. Two days before the concert seven gunmen stormed Marley’s home opening fire, hitting the singer twice, his wife and two others in. Miraculously, everyone survived. Following the shooting Bob was determined to play the peace concert. On stage Marley opened his shirt revealing the two bullet wounds to the crowd. On his amp, there is a card symbolizing Rastafari with the recognizable colors and a large peace sign.

“Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright.” - Three little birds, Bob Marley. Three small hummingbirds can be found in the background.
Bob Marley and wife Rita Marley had an open marriage. These flowers represent his 11 children from 7 mothers.
As a pioneer of reggae Bob’s message has spread to every corner of the world. While feverishly adored in his life, posthumously he has become one of the most popular musicians of all time. This amp is meant to represent his worldwide influence.
Bob's red Adidas sneakers represent how much he loved playing soccer with the wailers everyday. Cancer was found in Bob’s toe in 1977. Doctors urged amputation of the toe. Bob refused, fearing he would lose the ability to play soccer. Within three years the cancer had spread taking his life at the age of 36.

View Bob Marley's hidden history page to learn more about the King of Reggae.