Best Friends Forever: Martha and Snoop's Friendship

Best Friends Forever: Martha and Snoop's Friendship

A west coast Rapper once charged with Murder and a female billionaire blonde who teaches domestic perfection. In America, these two are best friends. 

Since 2008, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg have been one of America’s favorite friendships.

Snoop Dogg’s public persona is rebellious as an ex-gang member turned lovable pot head, while Martha Stewart embodies a polished, refined home baked persona.

Why do Americans love these two together? Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg's love and respect for each other is exactly what we need in a socially turbulent time. Their contrasting personalities in a mutual sense of humor is heartwarming and reminds us that we can listen to gangster rap while rolling out our home made bread. 

The two first bonded when Snoop was on ‘The Martha Stewart Show’ baking brownies and Christmas cookies. 

Martha reminisced on their first encounter and shared, “Well, Snoop came on my show, and what was really charming about Snoop, first of all, was his giggle. He giggles in a very, very nice way.” From there, the two clicked and became their unlikely but iconic dynamic duo.

The two had a show together, “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party,” from 2016 to 2020, where they invited celebrity friends for cocktails, cooking, and conversations where nothing is off-limits. 

Snoop Dogg says, "My homegirl, Martha and I have a special bond that goes back.” When Martha started her podcast in 2022, she was sure to have her first guess be her bestie, Snoop. 

The two celebrities had quite the appearance at the 2024 Summer Olympics. These friends were found wearing equestrian outfits, trying new foods, and commentating on various sports.

For more information on these besties, visit their hidden history page.