Brand Ethos: Rebel, Founder, Icon

Brand Ethos: Rebel, Founder, Icon

As a portrait artist, Lindsay Ekstrom is drawn to paint historical stand outs -subjects who have reshaped the world in profound ways. She has found that she can group them into three types of people: Rebels, Founders, and Icons.

Rebels do things that challenge that status quo. They are the fire-starters, the individuals who refuse to conform to the established norms and instead choose to challenge the prevailing order.

Founders are the architects of society. The visionaries who lay the groundwork for new systems and ideologies. If Rebels burn it all down, the founders build it up creating a new and improved way.

Icons are those whose individuality and talent sets them apart from all others in their field. An Icon has that "it" factor. Their unique, style and flair, sets the trends, they don't follow. Icons are so unapologetically themselves. Their influence transcends their time, leaving an enduring legacy that resonates across generations.

Lindsay loves to learn the stories about these people, and the details of society at that time and what they did to transform the course of history. Rebels, Founders, and Icons are the golden threads in the fabric of history, from challenging oppressive regimes to founding innovative movements or organizations and becoming enduring symbols of change. As we reflect on their stories, we are inspired by the human spirit. We too can have the courage to challenge the status quo, the vision to build a new, and the ability to leave a legacy beyond our own lives.